In a previous blog we discussed some of the research findings on long SARS-CoV-2 which is a persistence of symptoms after the infection has been resolved.  It seems that the inflammatory response which is part of the immune activation against the virus seems not to turn off when it is no longer needed.  That leads […]

Another Clue to Long SARS-CoV-2 Symptoms

July 19, 2022

Omega-3 fatty acids (FAs) are essential fatty acids.  This means that the body needs them for different functions, and they must be consumed as the body cannot make them from other sources.  Systems that are particularly dependent upon the availability of omega-3 FAs are the immune system, the cardiovascular system and the brain. There are […]

The Omega-3 Fatty Acid DHA Offers Protection Against Alzheimer’s Disease

July 12, 2022

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which an immune antibody reaction to gluten begins to cause cross reaction against the lining of the small intestine. It is associated with intestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea as well as many symptoms outside of the digestive tract such as fatigue, anemia, osteoporosis, joint […]

Why Celiac Disease is Increasing

June 30, 2022

Some Bad News and Some Better News As I follow the research on the SARS-CoV2 pandemic it seems like an endless line of new data to sort through as we are midway through the third year of this.  The latest data is some bad news and some better news. The “bad” news is that slower […]

The Omicron Variant

June 20, 2022

Perhaps the greatest overlooked aspect of disease risk is the impact of stress.  A search of the topic “stress” in PubMed, the search engine for the National Library of Medicine reveals over 26,000 studies that have looked at stress and health.  The majority of these studies examine a disease risk that is associated with stress.  […]

Stress Accumulates with Negative Health Effects

June 7, 2022

When the Body’s Reaction to Protect Us Becomes the Problem Inflammation is an important response to infection.  It is part of the initial immune response that tries to control infection while the more complex antibody system is activating.  Inflammation, however, can be a two-edged sword injuring the host of it is too aggressive or sustained. […]

Long COVID-19 Symptoms

June 2, 2022

Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a disorder of nerves within the body, particularly in the legs/feet and arms/hands. Symptoms include: Loss of sensation to touch, vibration, and temperature Intense pain called neuropathic pain Muscle weakness. The various symptoms relate to the degeneration of different types of nerve fibers within the nerve; motor fibers in the case […]

Peripheral Neuropathy

February 24, 2022

A new modeling study that looked at the impact of positive dietary change produced some eye-opening numbers. Much like saving for retirement, dietary benefit compounds over time so the earlier it is started, the more benefit is gained. The changes examined represent changing from the typical Western diet, or as it is alternatively called, the standard […]

The Longevity Benefit of Dietary Change – It is more than most think

February 10, 2022

Long-term cognitive impairment, universally referred to by those who get it as brain fog, is a common after effect of chemotherapy. New research had found that “chemo brain” and long SARS-CoV-2 brain fog are caused by the same mechanism.  The research studied 63 patients with brain fog/cognitive impairment persisting after recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Of […]

Brain Fog Has the Same Cause as “Chemo Brain”: Understanding this has led to effective treatment

February 3, 2022

The most commonly known autoimmune disease associated with gluten consumption is celiac disease. The disease involves an immune reaction against a small segment of a peptide in gluten called an epitope. Once the immune system recognizes this epitope and mistakes it for a dangerous invader such as a virus, it can activate an attack against […]

When Gluten Causes Immune Attacks Against Our Own Tissues

January 27, 2022