Indigestion is typically a symptom of burning or irritation in the upper digestive tract. Reflux, which means movement of irritating gas or digestive fluid up into the lower esophagus, can be a cause of indigestion. Reflux/indigestion can be either hyperacidic (too much acidity), or dyskinetic which means “poor digestive movement”.
Hyperacidity is rare even though it is assumed to be common simply because medications targeted at lowering stomach acidity provide some symptom relief. In full digestion the stomach obtains an acidic pH of 1.5-3.5. The normal esophageal pH is 7 (neutral), and its lining does not tolerate pH below 5.
Often when inadequate stomach digestion is occurring food will sit too long allowing bacteria to ferment it excessively producing gas. The gas pressure may cause some to back up into the esophagus and be irritated at a pH of 5, thus dyskinetic or poor movement reflux. The answer in that case is often to increase stomach and small intestinal digestion increasing upper digestive tract movement.
While use of acid inhibiting medications may bring relief, they inhibit the absorption of several nutrients and have been associated with increased risk of osteoporosis, anemia and other B12 associated disorders.
Food sensitivities are another common cause of indigestion/reflux. Treatment centers around identifying and resolving these food reactions.
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