food sensitivities vs. food allergies
Food sensitivities are inappropriate immune reactions to food components. They occur when the immune tissue in the digestive tract erroneously identifies a food molecule such as a peptide as a dangerous foreign substance and initiates an immune attack against it. Many factors such as genetics, digestive function, intestinal bacterial composition and others may contribute to the risk of developing a food sensitivity.
Unlike food allergies, food sensitivities are delayed onset reactions making them much more challenging to diagnose. Food sensitivities are also caused by another part of the immune system than allergies are, so skin testing will not isolate them.
The most common symptoms of food sensitivities are in the digestive tract itself. They may include:
· Indigestion
· Reflux
· Abdominal bloating
· Abdominal pain
· Constipation
· Diarrhea
Other symptoms may occur involving:
· the skin
· joints, muscles
· the hormonal system
· the brain
The reason these symptoms are common outside of the digestive tract is that immune reactions typically begin locally (digestive tract) but respond systemically (throughout the body).
A noted gluten researcher begins his professional presentations with the comment that “the gut is not Las Vegas”. He is referring to the slogan that what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. Immune reactions such as inflammatory activation begin in the gut, but they do not stay in the gut.
digestive symptoms from food sensitivities include:
· Abdominal pain and bloating
· Reflux/indigestion
· Constipation/diarrhea
· Excessive gas
· Stomach pain
· Nausea
Skin conditions
· Rash
· Eczema
· Itching
· Hives
Fatigue, aches and pains
· Fibromyalgia
· Unexplained fatigue
· Sleep difficulty
· Adrenal fatigue
· Chronic fatigue syndrome
Brain related:
· Anxiety
· Depression
· Brain fog
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