One of a Few Common Chronic Diseases That We Are Now More Likely to Face Advances in research have helped the U.S. enjoy decreasing rates of several chronic diseases over the past 3 decades.  Autoimmune disease has been a notable exception to this trend increasing rather dramatically.  This trend has been broad with sharp increases […]


December 1, 2022

A parallel observation occurring as humans age and develop the common age related diseases is that the intestinal microbiome shifts to a different population.  That begs the question whether these are simply unrelated changes or does one contribute to the other.  In the previous blog I discussed the interesting study which found that fecal medical […]

Who Are the Superstars in the Human Microbiome?

October 20, 2022

The human microbiome, or the microbes that live in and on us are vast and diverse.  These microbes number 100 trillion with the majority residing in the digestive tract. For a perspective on 100 trillion, the number of microbes in the human microbiome is 10 times greater than the number of our own cells. As […]

Antibiotics and Our Microbiome

September 21, 2022

There is a tendency for us to have progressive inflammatory activity as we age.  This inflammation is a part of virtually every chronic disease from heart disease to cancer to autoimmune disease.  As would be expected all of these diseases become progressively more common with age in parallel to what is happening with inflammation.  This […]

When “Zombie Cells” Cause Chronic Inflammation

September 7, 2022

In a previous blog we discussed some of the research findings on long SARS-CoV-2 which is a persistence of symptoms after the infection has been resolved.  It seems that the inflammatory response which is part of the immune activation against the virus seems not to turn off when it is no longer needed.  That leads […]

Another Clue to Long SARS-CoV-2 Symptoms

July 19, 2022

Some Bad News and Some Better News As I follow the research on the SARS-CoV2 pandemic it seems like an endless line of new data to sort through as we are midway through the third year of this.  The latest data is some bad news and some better news. The “bad” news is that slower […]

The Omicron Variant

June 20, 2022

Perhaps the greatest overlooked aspect of disease risk is the impact of stress.  A search of the topic “stress” in PubMed, the search engine for the National Library of Medicine reveals over 26,000 studies that have looked at stress and health.  The majority of these studies examine a disease risk that is associated with stress.  […]

Stress Accumulates with Negative Health Effects

June 7, 2022

When the Body’s Reaction to Protect Us Becomes the Problem Inflammation is an important response to infection.  It is part of the initial immune response that tries to control infection while the more complex antibody system is activating.  Inflammation, however, can be a two-edged sword injuring the host of it is too aggressive or sustained. […]

Long COVID-19 Symptoms

June 2, 2022