Biomeridian testing measures electrical conductivity in meridian points that reflect all of the body’s various systems and tissues. Meridians are the body’s energy pathways on which acupuncture points are found.
Although diagnosing and treating the body through acupuncture points and meridians has been done for thousands of years in eastern societies, accounts of it did not appear in western medical publications until about 1825 when a report of its use to treat rheumatism appeared. Randomized clinical trials which are a more sophisticated form of research that is designed to validate clinical effect began to appear in the mid-1970s.
One of the great curiosities more recently has been exactly what is different around a meridian point compared to other tissue near it.The primary difference has proven to be its electromagnetic energy which is 60-80% less than adjacent tissue.
One of the more interesting studies regarding meridians used radioisotope injections into both meridian points and into adjacent skin areas not on a meridian. Following injection, the meridians were monitored with a gamma camera which traces the isotope. With direct injection of the meridian, the isotope migrated along the entire acupuncture meridian while no migration was seen with injection of other skin areas. The isotope migration directly followed the acupuncture meridian and not the anatomical pathways of blood or lymphatic circulation.
The next phase of study compared similar isotope injections into a kidney meridian point on both the left and right sides in both healthy subjects and in subjects with known kidney disease. Subjects with kidney disease had altered isotope flow only on the side of the involved kidney confirming that the meridians do reflect the functional state of the related organ or system.
The Biomeridian test measures meridian point electromagnetic energy by trying to force a microcurrent through the point and measuring the amount transmitted. The energy at the point resists the flow through it. A meridian point reflecting a healthy body system has a very specific resistance. Imbalance or stress in that system tends to alter the meridian resistance affecting the Biomeridian reading.
Biomeridian testing can also be used to test response to proposed therapies such as specific nutrients or herbs by retesting imbalanced points to see if they strengthen in response. It also can be used to find causes of specific problems such as in food sensitivities by testing which ones cause a meridian to go out of balance.
While bioenergetics testing seems unusual to many, it logically should not. The presence of “energy” is literally the difference between living and non-living tissue. If someone is taken to the hospital and there is a question of alive or dead, that can only accurately be answered by two tests, EEG and EKG. One looks at energy production and movement in the brain and the other in the heart. Literally, no energy – no life! The first measurable alteration in living tissue that is functioning less than ideally is a change in its energy level. Many tests that attempt to look at disease in different body systems such as PET scans do so by imaging “energy”.
Biomeridian testing offers an efficient tool to look at body functioning in relation to health as well a way to monitor and guide therapies to correct imbalances.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pulvinar pretium metus, at feugiat massa ultrices eget. Aenean venenatis ante sit amet gravida ultrices. Donec suscipit mollis dictum. Donec odio velit, volutpat nec nisl et, fermentum aliquet diam. Sed ultrices massa ac sem egestas, ac varius leo tristique. Pellentesque eget convallis nunc. Donec odio velit, volutpat nec nisl et, fermentum aliquet diam. Sed ultrices massa ac sem egestas, ac varius leo.